St. John’s Parish

Elaborately carved pulpit which is said to contain six different woods; ebony, locust, Barbados mahogany, manchineel, oak and pine – the first four of which are indigenous to Barbados. (3)

St. John Parish Church – First erected 1645. Destroyed by fire and rebuilt 1676 – Destroyed by hurricane and rededicated 1836, according to sign posted on the church.

The chancel was added to the church in 1876.

Main Features – Churchyard contains body of Ferdinand  Paleologus (descendant of Constantine), Westmascott statue, spectacular view of East Coast.(2)

I am so obsessed with old, antique, ancient, and medieval things. I find  everything that falls into these categories beautiful and I get so engrossed in their history and stories.

Some are particularly heartbreaking, some reflecting only love and pride. It’s amazing that their history is still preserved for all who visit, to read their stories so they can still be remembered after hundreds of years. You are not forgotten. Rest in peace!