Christ Church Parish

Typical Caribbean colors

This was a beautiful spot. We were very lucky that our beach really wasn’t that busy most of the time and could get great photos.

This is where I would stand to have my morning cup of coffee. One morning I was out very early with no one else was around. I  just happened to turn around and saw this 3′ green monkey behind me running down the walkway. My eyes and mouth were open so wide in disbelieve. I kept looking around to see if anyone else was witnessing this so people wouldn’t think I was crazy, but I just had to believe they would trust my mental state as stable. I was really bummed I didn’t have my camera.

Their kayaks match their sunsets!

The view from our back patio

The beginning of the pathway along the rugged rocks where crabs would blend in while sun bathing



The sunsets lit up the sky. Some were very colorful and vibrant, others were monochromatic yet still captivating.


Such a wide range of crabs. Some were loaners, others were groupies. Some incognito and blended in with nature, others were flaunting their brilliant multicolored selves.

Shh…Nobody tell him he’s different!

The Concorde

The Concorde in Barbados is the G-BOAE or Alpha Echo for short.

When British Airways chief Concorde pilot Mike Bannister delivered one of the supersonic jets to Seattle’s Museum of Flight, he spoke with pride about the world’s fastest commercial jetliner and how he was leaving it in good hands. But only a day or two after the delivery ceremony, a thief removed a very special “piece” of the Concorde that Bannister and his flight crew had deliberately left in the needle-nosed cockpit.

Removal of the flight engineer’s cap occurred soon after the British Airways Concorde arrived at the Museum of Flight. It was the British Airways cap belonging to flight engineer Trevor Norcott. This was no ordinary cap left behind on a seat. When the Concorde flies faster than sound, its airframe expands by design as friction heats the skin. As part of this expansion, a small gap opens next to the instrument panel at the flight engineer’s station.

On the Concorde’s flight to Seattle, Norcott placed his cap in that gap during the supersonic flight over Canada. The gap closed tight around his cap when the plane slowed and the skin cooled. The crew meant for it to remain there forever, for the public to see when they visit the Concorde. With the end of the Concorde, British Airways has no more need for flight engineers. It is why Bannister decided it would be appropriate for Norcott to leave his cap behind as a personal touch. But a day or two after the delivery ceremony, a thief took the cap. The person could not pull it out, so he or she cut it out.

Many people have been going in and out of the Concorde, from British Airways and the museum to grounds people at Boeing Field. They have been getting the plane ready for public display. Not knowing who took the cap, the museum put the word out that no questions would be asked if it were returned. It was, anonymously. But because the Concorde will not fly again, there is no way to place the cap back in the gap while the jet is streaking through the sky at 1,350 miles per hour. And besides, the cap was cut or ripped out, not pulled out. The museum says it will find a way to have the cap become part of the Concorde again. (1)